About Us

It’s easy to achieve better hearing when you have the right hearing specialists to help you through. Meet the folks who will become your hearing specialists and the people who will help you recover from hearing loss. Consider us your collaborators in hearing!

Hearing Loss

Hearing isn’t just about participating in conversation; good hearing plays a role in information processing, brain function, and self-confidence. The sooner you assess your hearing loss and work on a solution, the sooner you can get back to normal.

Hearing Aids

We know you are unique which is why there are many types of hearing aids and different brands to choose from. Our ultimate goal is to help you feel comfortable; we’ll help you find the right hearing aid style and brand to match your lifestyle.

How Treatment for Hearing Loss Can Help Reduce Risk of Dementia

Getting treatment for hearing loss, such as hearing aids, could help protect your brain against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, according to a new study. Maria Shriver reports for TODAY.


We help people with hearing loss find solutions. Our hearing specialists will test your hearing, present you with options, make sure your hearing aids are fitted properly, and stay in contact
with you for further treatment plans.



Your life is busy and complex. You balance work and social responsibilities, take care of your family, travel, seek the company of friends, and volunteer in your community. Hearing loss can drastically affect your world and will slow you down—and you won’t be able to recover those missed opportunities.

We understand that communication is essential to your busy lifestyle. We don’t want to see hearing loss deprive you of making memories with your grandkids, working together in the community, or missing out on laughter with friends (what good is a joke if you can’t hear the punchline?!). We know life can be wonderful and unexpected, and we are here to make sure you are ready for whatever comes your way.

We have been diligently serving Yuba City, California, helping our community recover from hearing loss. Through our information-based personal service, we are helping those in our community who are suffering from reduced hearing. Our sophisticated technology coupled with personalized service has allowed folks to reconnect with family and friends. We’re helping people just like you get back to the people and activities you love.

Take the First Step!

Want to learn about restoring your hearing? We treat each patient individually to find the
best solution for you. Call us today, stop by, or fill out the message form.


Contact Us

If you have a hard time hearing, contact us. We understand you have a lot of questions about hearing loss and hearing aids; we’ll do our best to answer them immediately.

Schedule an Appointment

After our phone conversation, we’ll need to schedule an appointment for hearing tests; we need to see what type of hearing loss you are experiencing and see if hearing aids would be beneficial.



Discuss Your Options

If our specialists conclude hearing aids would be beneficial, we will show you the devices that would be most beneficial for you based on your hearing test results as well as personal preferences, lifestyle, and budget.

Choose Your Hearing Aids

After we review your hearing aid choices, we want you to select the one you feel most comfortable with. We will program the hearing aids to create a custom-fit so they are comfortable and functional. Now you can get back to the people and activities you have been missing!


9 Hearing Loss Misconceptions

There have been huge advances in medicine and technology that have helped our understanding of hearing loss. Despite these advancements, there is an incredible amount of incorrect information floating around out there. Here are nine misconceptions, things we often hear. Don’t let them prevent you from getting help for your hearing loss.

Myth 1

I’d be the first to know if I had hearing loss.


There have been huge advances in medicine and technology that have helped our understanding of hearing loss. Despite these advancements, there is an incredible amount of incorrect information floating around out there. Here are nine misconceptions, things we often hear. Don’t let them prevent you from getting help for your hearing loss.

Myth 4

If I’m having problems hearing, I’ll just turn up the volume.


This might work while you’re at home alone watching television or listening to the radio, but it doesn’t work well interacting with others. When people know that interacting with you means enduring overly-loud devices or constantly repeating themselves or hearing you ask, “What?” all the time, they might become frustrated and experience difficulty talking to you with ease.

The best way to approach to “turning up the volume” is to use hearing aids that are programmed by our experienced staff.

Myth 7

If I use a hearing aid, I won’t look or feel young anymore.


Although hearing loss often occurs in older folks, people of all ages are affected by hearing loss. Injury, illness, and medications can affect hearing even in young people.

You can keep feeling young, enthusiastic, and full of energy by participating in conversations confidently, continuing involvement in activities and social groups, and staying active. Having good hearing will keep you engaged instead of feeling off to the side.

Myth 2

I'm doing okay and it’s not worth all the fuss to improve my hearing.


It is frustrating to be experiencing hearing loss; it makes it hard to keep up in conversations, talk on the phone, or go to social gatherings in loud places. Many people with hearing loss experience depression or social withdrawal, and their family and loved ones miss them. Instead of constantly asking others to repeat themselves or turn the volume up, it’s better to address your hearing issues. Better hearing will improve the relationships you have with your family and community as well as those you may work with.

Myth 5

I don’t believe hearing aids will help me.


Almost everyone with hearing loss is helped through hearing aids; however, the trick is using the right technology with the proper settings.

Our team of specialists will help you find the right hearing aid fit. We program the hearing aids to help your specific hearing loss and fit in with your specific lifestyle. With such a personalized fitting, it is almost a certainty that you will begin to hear better.

Myth 8

Hearing aids are too pricey.


Your hearing is just one of the many moving parts on the human body and just as serious as any other health condition. Like other health treatments one must consider quality of life. Consider your hearing aids an important investment in your own life and happiness, one that will benefit you during most of your waking hours, seven days a week.

There are many options for types of hearing aids. There are many different technology levels and features that you may or may not need. We can help you choose the best fit for your lifestyle and budget.

Myth 3

I’m doing okay right now, so hearing aids can wait.


Despite how much hearing loss you are experiencing now, it usually gets worse over time. The sooner you can come in and address your individual needs, the better. “Auditory deprivation” is a term to describe the hearing that cannot be recovered. The longer you delay treating your hearing loss, the harder it will be to recover more of your hearing. The sooner you address your hearing loss, the better.

Hearing aids are incredibly helpful for many folks, but you can’t wait too long. The longer you live with hearing loss, the harder it will be to adjust to life with hearing aids. The sooner you start, the easier the adjustment will be.

Myth 6

Hearing aids are just plain ugly.


Hearing aids of the past were large, noticeable, and there were only a few style options. Nowadays, there are dozens of models, many which are nearly invisible. You can choose from devices that are positioned behind the ear, or ones that fit snuggly in the ear canal. Our patients are excited when they see how styles have changed!

Myth 9

Buying only one hearing aid will be okay and will help my budget.


In order for your brain to interpret sound, you need both ears. That’s because ears also help you locate the source of the sound, assist with balance, and help with sound clarity. If you have hearing loss in both ears but only use one hearing aid, you’re doing your body a disservice.

We have been diligently serving Yuba City, California, helping our community recover from hearing loss. Through our information-based personal service, we are helping those in our community who are suffering from reduced hearing. Our sophisticated technology coupled with personalized service has allowed folks to reconnect with family and friends. We’re helping people just like you get back to the people and activities you love.

Yuba Location

Chico Location

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday                      9AM-5PM

FRIDAY                                             9AM-1PM