If you’ve lost the ability or desire to use the phone due to your hearing loss, Caption Call may be able to provide you with a phone that uses a captioning services at no additional cost to you. Their phones use voice-to-text technology with the assitance of captioning agents to transcribe what the other speaker is saying so that you may read their words on the screen. Most phone units also include an amplification button that will provide increased sound for the user.
CapTel® also provides a phone specifically designed for individuals with accelerated hearing loss. The phone works like any other phone but also includes additional features for the hard of hearing. When you call a loved one, your call is automatically connected to a captioning service that will transcribe what the other speaker is saying onto a large screen on your phone. CapTel® phones include amplication, large easy to read screens, and more!
Monday – Thursday:
Open 9 AM – 5 PM
(Closed for Lunch: 12 PM – 1 PM)
Open 9 AM – 1 PM
Saturday & Sunday:
Yuba City, California
416 Center St, Yuba City, CA 95991
Chico, California
15 Jan Court, Chico, CA 95928
Yuba City, California
(530) 749-9734
Chico, California
Monday – Thursday 9AM-5PM